
hi guys so on my first blog post I said that I like stranger things but everyone started asking what is stranger things so here it is

picture from: ew.com

if you go to this site you will know more about stranger things


More about ME!!!

hey guys, so have I told you that I love jaguars i think they are super cute they’re eyes are just perfect. And the jaguars are so cute they like to play run and more!but be careful because when they are hungry  you don’t want to be with them, I wish I had one but they are too big for where I live and I think my mom would not let  I have a JAGUAR.And I really like black panthers I always think that black panthers and jaguars are the same I don’t really know.

if you know let me know in the comments!                credit: Pixabay

what is a pollutant?

a pollutant is chemical source that is infecting the water,and plants.They can destroy our ecosystem.In my class we’re learning about 3 pollutants road salt, fertilizer, and acid rain. The acid rain kill the plants so if there’s no plants there’s no life. Road Salt is if salt goes in the water can kill fish and can kill plants. Fertilizer is runs off the crops the water turn into toxic and can’t be used. so without the plants and water there is no life.we are testing to see which pollutant damages rye grass the most. My prediction is acid rain because the other pollutants need water to the plants grow but acid rain is already the water that the plant needs so there is no way  the plant would survive. I recommend that you use less fertilizer,so the plants wouldn’t  die and we still have life in the world.And I think you should not use fertilizer because plants help the world to be a beautiful place for everyone to live!!!

picture from:Flickr

Do you want to know more about pollution go to      https://www.nationalgeographic.org